You more Than Anything In The World Novel – Read/Download PDF


“Help!” Arissa felt a humid, warm breath at the tip of her ear as a man held her from behind. Thrashing reflexively, she tried to break free from his forceful embrace but to no avail. Her eyes brimmed with fear as her body shuddered violently in desperation. She was sold by her own father! “Let me go!” she whimpered before her voice was eventually muffled. “Don’t be scared. I’ll be sure to take responsibility,” the man blurted in a low, husky voice. Sealing Arissa’s mouth with his strong hand, the man proceeded to do whatever he wanted with his frail victim. Nine months later, in a derelict house, the cries of a baby were heard. “Ms. Adams, it’s a boy!” “Take him out of here!

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