Wild Love With My Triplet Mates Novel PDF Read/Download Online

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Wild Love With My Triplet Mates Novel Synopsis

I jump awake with the loud banging on my door.
“HEY WAKE UP FAT ASS!!!” I heard my older twin brother shout through the door.

I went to get out of bed so quickly that I fell right out of the bed. I met the floor with a big thump.
“Hahaha. Are you so fat that you can’t even stand up on your own two feet? How pathetic are you?”
I groaned and got up. There was no point in arguing with him. I would just get it worse later.
My name is Jessabell Simons. I am the younger twin of Alex Simons.
Our parents are the betas of the Red Moon pack, Angela and Michael Simons.
I have been bullied and shunned by the whole pack for the last 5 years.
I would be turning 18 tomorrow so maybe I would find a mate that could help me through this hell.
It was just something that wasn’t even my fault.

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Wild Love With My Triplet Mates Chapter 1 – 5

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