The novel starts with the life of one of the most powerful men in the county. He is a womanizer but with peculiar habits. He does not spend more than seven days with any girl. For him, it is time enough to know and enjoy the company with a girl. A second above it is a waste of time. He can get any girl, anywhere, any time. This is because he is the president of the largest consortium in the world. The money is just like the water from his shower. When it comes to the pleasure life he wants virgins only and that too for seven days. This has become his habit and nobody in his life so far has ever challenged him. This is why all the gold diggers in his acquaintance die for his company and time. They know every second spent with him will be compensated generously. They can earn more in these seven days than in their entire life. Such is the power of this man in The Contract Lover. One night his car while breaking the red-lights hits a nineteen-year-old girl. She works in a restaurant and running late to meet her father. Who is a patient and needs her attention.
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