Tattooed Luna Novel PDF Read/Download Online


“Kristen, are you ready?” Jacob asked. He was being very impatient with me. His sh aggy

black hair was getting into his crystal clear blue eyes. Looking over, I watched him run his

hands through his hair. Jacob was hot, I’ve give him that. Very muscular and tall at 6’1”

but not exactly my type. Fun to flirt with but not my type.

“Just about.” I was the alpha’s daughter. My brother was Jacob’s best friend and the leader

of our little pack of friends. Colt was every girl’s we t dr eam. Short brown hair with

extremely dark brown eyes. I guess I could see how his jaw line and beard stubble made

me look good. His was completely bulked out as well…

Read the complete novel for more..

Tattooed Luna Chapter 1 – 20

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