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Please update chapers 550-650
Where can I find chapter 140 onwards?
You can find it here, just refresh your browser timely. Cheers!!!
Can you share a link I’m not seeing the others
Kindly check here
Go and check it
It does not go past 160. I have tried both links and refreshing my browser.
Have you managed to get 161 going forward
Still only goes to 160… leaving 500 more chapters inaccessible
What app are you reading this?
Where do you read so many chapters
I need chapter 469 to the end
Looking for chapters 181 onwards
Looking for chapters 151 onwards
I wish I can find 279 onward. Please share.
Where did you find 212 to 278?
I cannot find beyond 200
Please share link
please update the chapter.
I normally find between 10 and 20 chapters appear each day
Where do you read?
Can anyone update chapters 800 though 1000????
Hi dear do you have chapter 526 onwards?
Will you please share it with us🙏
Please exercise a lil bit of patience, you’ll have updates soon. Cheers!!
Hi can you please share from chapter 611?
I can only see as far as chapter 250 how to I continue reading?
The chapters jump so fast I feel some are missing