My 18-Year Old Wife – Free Read/Download PDF


"Mike, get that case of wine over here." "Mike, go clean the kitchen. Why are you standing there, you idiot?" A young man slammed his broom down on Mike and cursed arrogantly. After Mike was hit with a broom, he was a little angry. He said, "Aunt asked me to carry the wine over there, so wait me a few minutes." "How dare you talk to me like that? Letting you do something is just like killing you." Joe walked up to him and slapped him, "A stupid live-in son-in-law. You live in my family and spend my family's money. Who gives your courage to talk to me like that?" He cursed. After getting a slap and suffering such an insult, Mike threw away the case of wine he was holding and rushed towards Joe, grabbing him by the collar and shouting angrily...

My 18-Year Old Wife is a Chinese novel that has been translated and popularized by some English translation apps. My 18-Year Old Wife is a romantic novel about a young lady’s marriage to a man. My 18-Year Old Wife is all about what it is to be 18 and married to a man.

I will posting all the chapters of My 18-Year Old Wife novel here for you to read and download online so make sure you visit timely.

My 18-Year Old Wife Chapter 1 – 230

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